Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July in Monterey

After getting the company cabin at the last minute, we headed off to Monterey for the 4th of July weekend.
After the fog burned off, we were treated to nice warmish weather. Noelle loved the beach and would have run right into the frigid water if we let her. Here she is trying to squeeze a sand ball that Kirk made for her.
She is the destroyer of sand castles.

The aquarium was packed but we got glimpses of the new seahorse exhibit. Both those things in the photo are seahorses!

Fun with Daddy at the aquarium

The 4th of July parade through downtown Monterey drew a huge crowd.

Mommy, what's that????

What else is coming?

June Happenings

We got a visit from Great Grandma Lola for Kirk's birthday

Attended Mapolo & Joletta's wedding (Noelle first wedding)
Behaving at the ceremony
Fun with Uncle Eric
We finally got to go to the "new" California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. This it the green roof.